3 day fdp on Next Generation Communication Networks organized by Department of ece in association with BSNL Visakhapatnam from 5-12-24 to 7-12-24
5- Day Workshop on Engineering Graphics,organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering & Basic science and Humanities
Book exhibition library online quiz competation book searching competition
A Expert talk on “E.M.F - Magneto statics, Ampere’s Law and Force in magnetic fields“ by Dr. P.Upendra Kumar, Sr.Assistant Professor,Dept. of EEE, GMR Institute of Technology , Rajam, Vizianagaram on 09-11-2024 for II B.Tech – I Sem EEE students.
Conducted on workshop and hackathon on Power BI, hosted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning (CSE-DS, AIML) in collaboration with Brain O Vision on 11-11-2024
A Five Day Online Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Power Electronics and Intelligent Optimization Techniques for Electric Vehicles ” organised by Dept. of EEE from 25-10-2024 to 29-10-2024.
A Expert talk on “Electrical Circuit Analysis-II - Fourier Analysis“ by Dr.Ramana Pilla,Professor and HOD , Dept. of EEE, GMR Institute of Technology , Rajam, Vizianagaram on 24-10-2024 for II B.Tech – I Sem EEE students.
Expert talk on career guidance entitled "UNLOCKING THE POWER OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING - A Journey Towards Progressive Career" to EEE Students by Dr. M Ravi Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dept. Of EEE, ANITS(A)
A Expert Talk on “Solution Framework & Cloud Analytics for IOT Applications “ by Dr.S M K Chaitanya, Assistant Professor , Dept. of ECE, GVP College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam on 29-10-2024 for III B.Tech EEE students
EXPERT TALK for II B. Tech Students of CSM-A,B by Dr T.Sankara Rao , Associate professor, Gitam University
An 8 week Internship provided by Grafx IT solutions
CSE A: Data Science Using Python
CSE B: DevOps
CSE C: PowerBi
Expert talk on " Problem solving methodologies in analog and digital signal analysis to face competitive examinations" by Mr M. Pavan Kumar, ISTS, East Godavari to III ECE students on 21-10-2024.
BSNL AIET incubation centre 9days internship on "Optical Communication and Data networking for 5G " for III ECE students.
One day workshop on
“Generating Research: Tools and Techniques"
Speaker by Dr.G.V.Nagesh Kumar
Professor and Head
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
JNTU Anathapuram
Guest lecture on “Memory Organization and Multiprocessors” organised by the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering on 12-04-2024
Guest lecture on “Fundamentals of Deep Learning” organised by the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering on 04-04-2024
Guest Lecture was conducted for BDA Course – III/II CSE Dept, Program- DS, AI&ML by Mr.Sirra Kanthi Kiran, Associate Professor, CSE, Gayatri Vidya Parishad of Engineering (A) on 03-04-2024
Guest lecture on “Association and Cluster Analysis” organised by the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering on 02-04-2024
Digital payment awareness on modern financial transactions by RBI
on 07-3-2024
Basic Sciences and Humanities Department in association with Brahma Kumaris has come up with a session"The Power of Positive Thinking in Achieving Goals" for I B.Tech students. Ms. Shiv Jyoti sister, Meditation and Yoga Trainer from Brahma Kumaris is educating the students about the importance and power of Positive Thinking for overall well-being of individuals.
A session on "Self Motivation for Goal Attainment" by BK Sailesh Rao, a motivational speaker. This session is being organized by the Department of Basic Science and Humanities in association with the Brahmakumaris. The session was initiated by Mr. J.R.G. Patnaik, HOD - BS&H on 06-04-2024
Guest lecture on Digital signal processing By Dr.T.Sandhya for II and IIIrd year students on 04-04-2024
Expert talk on "Association and cluster analysis" By Satyanarayana Murthy GVP College for IIIrd year students on 04-02-2024
A 5day workshop on Data Science using python by Department of CSE-DS,AI&ML for II and IIIrd year students in association with Brainovision on 11-03-24 to 16-03-24
International level Student WorkShop on Data Science using Python by Dr.Buddha Chandrasekhar Chief Coordinating Officer-AICTE on 19-02-24 to 23-02-24
Inaugural ceremony of incubation centre in ECE on 12-02-2024
Personality Developement Program on "From Tension to Attention" Organizing in Association with Brahma Kumaris on 09-02-2024
Workshop on "Robotics" Organized by Department of ECE |
Republic day-2024 |
Personality Developement Program on "From Tension to Attention" Organizing in Association with Brahma Kumaris on 25-01-2024 |
Department of ECE Organizing in Association with APPSC two weeks Workshop on PCB Design |
APSSDC Jointly Organizing A One Week Workshop AWS Cloud Computing on 8-1-2024 to 13-1-2024 for the students of CSE-DS,AIML |
Avanthian's Convocation Day on 6-1-2024 |
A 3 days Faculty Development program on innovations in machine learning Pedagogy 27-12-2023 to 29-12-2023 |
The chief guest Sri Y.V. Subba Reddy, former TTD Chairman appreciated the efforts of the APSSDC and Avanthi Group of Colleges in organising Job Mela for uplifting all sections of society through various employment opportunities. |
Workshop on Engineering Graphics R23 @All Branches
Organized by the Department of Mechanical engineering & Basic Science and Humanities.held on 12th - 16th December 2023. |
Guest lecture on Oops with Java by Mr.M.Rajababu, Aditya Engineering College(A), Surampalem, Kakinada (20-11-2023) |
Guest lecture on BLOCK CHAIN TECHNOLOGIES by Mr.Y Surya Prakash, MVGR Engineering College, Vizianagaram (18-11-2023) |
Guest lecture on INTRODUCTION TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING by Mr.A Laxman Rao, Aditya Engineering College,Kakinada (17-11-2023) |
Guest lecture on Data wrangling by Mr.Ashok from JNTU-GV (15-11-2023) |
Guest lecture on Implementation of Isolation and Indexing Techniques by Mrs.G.Suryakala Eswari (14-11-2023) |
Avanthi Institute of Engineering Technology Freshers Day Celebrations 2K23 |
WorkShop on Natural language processing by Dr. D.Sai Sathish CEO of Indian Servers & Ethical hackers and cyber security Expert TEDX Speaker |
IQAC organizes expert talk on " NEP 2020 TRANSFORMING EDUCATION" by Dr.S.Sankar on 07-10-2023 |
Guest Lecture on Operating System 6-10-2023 |
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics(20-09-2023 to 26-09-2023) |
Guest Lecture on Machine Learning-Ensamble-Learning(16-09-2023) |
National Level FDP on CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE(21-08-2023 to 25-08-2023) |
Guest Lecture on DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES(07-09-2023) |
Workshop on Embedded System (07-08-2023 to 19-08-2023) |
IPR – Role in the competitive Era on 27 April 2023 |
Annual Day - 2023 on 29th March, 2023. |
GYAN2K23 Technical Fest - 2023 on 6th and 7th January, 2023. |
Achivers Day - 2022 on 18th September, 2022. |
Har Ghar Tiranga - Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in the 75th year of independence Celebrations on 13th August, 2022. |
AVANTHI - JOB MELA 2022 on 05th August, 2022. |